Sunday, December 9, 2007

Public hospitals need better queue system

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Dec 8, 2007

Public hospitals need better queue system
THE queue system in public hospitals needs to be improved.
My child was born with a congenital health condition and needs to go for regular check-ups at KK Hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, we have to take a queue number but the queue system is a random one so we never know how long we need to wait and how many patients are ahead of us.
Despite having a scheduled appointment, each visit would still require half an hour to more than two hours of waiting. We have to avoid going for food or toilet breaks in case we missed our turn.
A month ago, my father went for a check-up at the SingHealth polyclinic at Singapore General Hospital on account of chest pain. He was scheduled to undergo a physical examination and scan. Fortunately, the check-up showed that there were no major health problems.
However, the whole process took more than five hours. He arrived at the hospital about 10am and could not take his lunch as the queue system was also a random one and he didn't want to miss his turn.
Upon obtaining the scan results, he had his final consultation with the doctor after 3pm and was prescribed some painkillers.
My father was faint from hunger by then and he rejected the prescription as that would mean another wait at the pharmacy.
Most patients at hospitals are sick and may need rest but they have to queue for hours. It is especially tough on old folk and young children who are sick as they cannot afford to wait for hours in the virus-filled environment.
Since the Government has put so much money and effort into improving public-hospital standards, I hope it can look into a better queue system to enhance patients' experience.
Jessica Tan Pui See (Mrs)

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