Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Inefficient or too thorough?"

"Inefficient or too thorough?"
Tuesday • March 11, 2008 (Hosp reply is below)
Patient: Exhausted after 7 hours in clinic
I am writing about my experience at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital's 24-hour clinic.
I recently went there because of a lower abdominal pain and spent more than three hours in a waiting room with only two rows of seats. Some patients were forced to stand while waiting.
There were only two doctors on duty. I was surprised at the chaotic situation in the consultation room. I submitted some samples for laboratory testing. While I was still on the examination couch, an impatient nurse asked me to confirm my address on the specimen tube labels. Before I could do so, she concluded they were correct and took the tubes.
I was then asked to go for an ultrasound. The person performing the scan told me she was not supposed to answer my queries. I had to wait to be brought to the consultation room again, when I could have brought the report myself.
I had to wait one-and-a-half hours for the doctor to interpret the scan. I was tired after making several trips to different floors.
When I asked the doctor to clarify the report, he seemed impatient and left the impression that he wanted to dismiss me quickly. He also wanted to prescribe medication without waiting for the final laboratory report, which would have been available three days later. When I refused the prescription, he seemed dissatisfied.
I left the hospital after paying substantial medical fees and spending about seven hours there. Can the management clarify if this is a normal scenario at the clinic and how it intends to improve the situation.

Ho See Ling


Hospital: Didn't want to risk patient's health
I refer to Ho See Ling's letter on her wait at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) and her feedback about our staff.
She came to KKH's 24-hour clinic on Feb 25 at about 10am and had an initial assessment of her condition by a nurse about 15 minutes later.
She was found to be stable with no medical emergency.
She saw a specialist one-and-a-half hours later at about 12pm. She presented with symptoms of lower abdominal pain that was not explained by her earlier medical condition.
Although not a medical emergency, these symptoms could represent serious infection as well as diseases that could have severe longer-term consequences if they were not diagnosed and treated promptly. The diagnosis of this condition required a detailed ultrasound scan and other investigations, which were specially arranged on the same day to save her the inconvenience of having to return to the hospital on another day for the tests.

We wish to assure Ho See Ling that the doctor's diagnosis of her condition was not only accurate, as supported by the ultrasound scan and subsequent test results, but also his offer of prescriptions was precise. However, she declined the medications on the day of her visit. She was promptly recalled and collected her medication after the latter results confirmed the specialist's initial diagnosis.
With regard to service from staff, we would like to inform Ho See Ling that the sonographer who conducted her scan was not able to answer her queries on her condition as this can only be done by a doctor once a radiologist has reviewed the scans and written a report.
We hope she understands that some medical conditions may not be apparent at the onset and thus, a rigorous review by doctors is required to ensure the condition is properly diagnosed, and appropriate treatment is rendered.

This may take more time than patients expect. We also hope Ho See Ling will accept our apologies for any inconvenience she may have experienced during her visit, especially if staff have been perceived as impatient. KKH takes patient-care seriously and thus, we are vigilant about giving the best medical treatment possible. We are also constantly seeking new ways to enhance patients' comfort and convenience.
We take this opportunity to wish her a speedy recovery.
Assoc Prof Tay Eng Hseon
Chairman, Medical Board, KK Women's and Children's Hospital

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