Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ST: Man who pushed girlfriend onto MRT track gets 2 more years

"'Who is the real Mr Kwong?' Justice Rajah asked at least three times"
-This is a bad joke... how can prosecution take >1yr to file appeal, resentencing someone after his release from prision? Has criminal justice system become a circus, waste of $$$ n wayang show?Any decent defence lawyer should cite:
http://consumer-protection1.blogspot.com/2007/10/police-at-fault-so-discount-for-convict.html as a mitigating factor and totally embarass the police/ justice system!!!

Home > Latest News > Courts and Crime

Nov 13, 2007
Man who pushed girlfriend onto MRT track gets 2 more years
Court of Appeal ups his jail term from one to three years after prosecution appealed. By Selina Lum THE man who had been handed one year in jail in May for pushing his former girlfriend into the path of an oncoming MRT train
on Tuesday had his sentence upped to three years after an appeal by the prosecution. But 26-year-old Kwong Kok Hing, a permanent resident who returned to Malaysia after being released from prison, was not in
court to hear his increased sentence.
Kwong now has up till Dec 3 to surrender to the authorities, failing which the prosecution can apply for a warrant of arrest
to be issued against him.
The Court of Appeal - Justices Andrew Phang, V. K. Rajah and Tan Lee Meng - will deliver detailed reasons for their decision
at a later date.
One issue that is likely to factor in their judgment is how two different pictures have been painted of Kwong - but the High
Court judge who sentenced him appeared to have been influenced only by one.
'Who is the real Mr Kwong?' Justice Rajah asked at least three times.
On Sept 14 last year, Kwong pushed Ms Jenny Low Siew Mui, 26, off the platform just as a train was pulling into the Clementi
MRT station.
She had ended their turbulent two-year relationship a few days earlier but he wanted to patch things up.
Ms Low narrowly escaped death when she made a dash for safety just a split second before the train hurtled past her. Her feat
of agility was captured by a closed-circuit television camera and played in court .

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