Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why so long to decide on ICT deferment, SAF?

Mismanaged Soldier, demoralized Army...
The letter, the short discussion as follows.

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Nov 12, 2007
Why so long to decide on ICT deferment, SAF?
I AM a national serviceman with HQ 26 Singapore Infantry Brigade and I had applied for deferment from my in-camp training (ICT) scheduled from today to Nov23.
My application was submitted on Oct 2 and I should have received a reply within 14 working days.
However, on Oct 22, I received an e-mail to tell me my application was still being processed. After that, I received two calls from the National Servicemen Services Centre (NSSC) to tell me my deferment was still being processed.
I was not the only one. None of the other deferment applications in my unit had received a response.
Last Friday, I called the NSSC and learnt that my application had been rejected and my status updated that very day - more than a month after I had applied and only one working day before the start of my ICT.
According to the NSSC, the approving authority for deferment had transferred from the unit operations officer to the commanding officer and that could have caused the delay.
To me, it is disingenuous to use transfer of authority as an excuse to sit on applications until the last minute. Applications submitted in a timely manner should be given a timely response.
For the record, my deferment application was for overseas work reasons and a timely response was needed to make contingency plans. I hope the Singapore Armed Forces understands that in the Singapore economy of today, many companies and jobs are regional in nature and require travel at short notice.
Steven Chan Kee-Lin


(#1) STTeam, Administrator
: Why so long to decide on ICT deferment, SAF? - Yesterday, 06:19 AM
"I AM a national serviceman with HQ 26 Singapore Infantry Brigade and I had applied for deferment from my in-camp training (ICT) scheduled from today to Nov23".Full Story
: More and more cases lately of NS reservist becomeing a significant liability for male Singaporean workers. Especially for professionals who are working in environment that are regional or global in job coverage. We have sacrificed our time and sweat in the protecting of Singapore, but are we being recognised enough for our effort?
(#3)AndyMike, 11:24 AM
: What can you expect from such an organisation and their "boh chap" attitude? Afterall it's your rice bowl not theirs!
(#4)0517elias, 01:09 PM
: wait wait.. why don't we anticipate the reply from the SAF folks.. let's see now.. will go something along the lines of serving the country is more important than overseas work?
(#5)hongchris, 02:10 PM
: Probably NSSC has to handle many deferment cases. Some rejected cases appealed again and again, sometimes with the help of their MPs. This creates unnecessary work for NSSC, slowing down the progress of some genuine cases.
(#6)agooddaytodie, 03:13 PM
: In response to the last post, you have to appeal several times. When I was still in NUS, my call up was scheduled during my exams, I sent in a deferral application with documentary proof of the exam dates and was rejected. I called to find out why and the NSSC response / reason for rejection was: "You only wrote in once. You have to appeal and then we know you are serious". Ridiculous.
(#7)leefamily, 10:33 PM
: "We have sacrificed our time and sweat in the protecting of Singapore, but are we being recognised enough for our effort?"
refer to bladevan's posting, answer is NO. just compare their current NSF payscale with those back in the 90s. how to be equal??? from wad i know, an 2LT's pay at tat time matches a current 3SG pay. good life u know? take 95% pay and do 5% work...
(#8)unewolke, 12.11.07, 05:02 AM
: #6 - is that exactly what they wrote?! you can't be serious! *appalled*
(#9)unewolke, 05:03 AM
: #6 - i've reread, you mean that's what they told you? well...not surprising i suppose considering how screwed up gahmen svc can be.------

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